About Us

Learn about our mission and our team.

Our Mission

With unchecked greed becoming a major issue, we vow to be an exception to the notion that money is everything.

We steer clear from organizations, governments, and people that do not support inclusivity, basic human rights, and sustainability. We remain active and vocal in supporting a fair market and society.

We believe fun and play is necessary for our team and clients alike.

As technology advances to automate away menial tasks, human creativity will become more important. This creativity is the key to humanity’s evolution, and we want to be a trailblazer for that initiative.

We believe it is essential for every person to form an understanding and deep appreciation for the only home we’ve ever known.

In any way we can, we want to be a part of positive change for our environment so humanity has a chance to survive.

Who We Are

Esposito is a media production and design company where you can go to create something awesome that will surpass customer expectations while having fun in the process.

We are particularly focused on environmental conservation and making the world a better place through mindful creativity and business in the digital realm.

With experience in various industries and departments and a large network of creators, we are your go-to creative partner!

What We Do







Our Team

Chris Esposito

Founder and CEO

Why I started Esposito

After gaining dynamic experience in the tech industry and starting my own environmental-centric organizations like Belmont’s Hiking Club, I wanted to start something new to connect creators and brilliant pioneers in their respective industries with initiatives that improve our society and environment.

I also want to reestablish a sense of community that we collectively lost during the pandemic.

Passions and Hobbies

  • Producing Multimedia (music, video, graphics, etc.)
  • High adventure outdoor activities 
  • Environmental conservation and sustainability
  • Hosting parties
  • Karaoke
  • Gaming
  • Disc golf
  • Painting

Controversial Food Opinions

  • Chocolate and mint should have never been combined.

Hope for the future

I want to see humanity harness the power of AI and other advanced technologies to utilize energy in a sustainable manner and reverse the negative effect we’ve had on Earth.

If I am lucky enough to make it to old age, I think it would be cool to have an assistant robot to help me be mobile and live a fulfilling life.

Aiden Mathieu

Founding Partner

What I do at Esposito

I serve as a founding advisor and creator at Esposito.

With experience in content production at various innovative companies like Coinbase, Vantiq, and Sui, I am thrilled to provide my expertise at Esposito to be a part of the positive change for our planet.

Passions and Hobbies

  • Driving anything that goes: race cars, jet skis, dirt bikes
  • Drums
  • Personal finance
  • Magic the Gathering
  • YouTube 
  • Gaming

Controversial Food Opinions

  • Chili dogs should be considered a vegetable.

Hope for the future

I hope to see our planet be more globalized in terms of politics and money so we can work on evolving humanity.

Ashley Cassidy

Founding Partner & Business Development Lead

What I do at Esposito

With my large network I developed through experience in sales and passion for financial growth, I help Esposito gain new clients and educate the market on our new company. 

I enjoy educating clients on how Esposito could make their business expand and progress.

I will also be contributing to new merchandise soon, so stay tuned for that!

Passions and Hobbies

  • Skating
  • Crochet
  • All things coffee
  • Supporting family
  • Attending wild events: drag shows, rodeos, cruises
  • Hiking
  • Gaming

Controversial Food Opinions

  • Peeled blueberries should be a thing.

Hope for the future

I want to set up a means for myself and loved ones to sustainably live in comfort and happiness. 

In my lifetime, I hope to see (and potentially be part of) a solution for the homeless issue in America and beyond.

Be a part of a brighter future.

Billion People